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Online Governance Digest | June 12, 2023

General Administrative Updates

  • Next Online Governance Meeting: Our next online governance meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 16 from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. We look forward to seeing you there!
  • Project Timeline: We have received desired go-live dates for each campus website and are working on a timeline for associated tasks both prior to and after the website launches. We'll be ready to share details during Friday's governance meeting.
  • Marketing & SEO Funding Allocations: We have received updated program counts from each campus and will provide a summary of the marketing funding allocation on Friday. 
  • Budget Forecast: We are completing the budget forecast through FY27 and will provide a summary on Friday.

Completed Work


  • Investigated drop in College of Nursing leads

Colorado Springs:

  • Completed request for general line
  • Completed incident review for Salesforce and Mogli utilization

Work In Progress


  • Updating Talend integration
  • Revamping and realigning Calendly


  • Investigating Boulder Slate integrations 

Colorado Springs:

  • Troubleshooting applications failing to populate in Salesforce
  • Investigating discrepancies between Salesforce and Collegis reports in collaboration with the integrations team
  • Creating custom Salesforce dashboard
  • Updating filter for application/enrollment data from SIS - ODIN; criteria will be tested in the Salesforce sandbox before being pushed to production
  • Preparing for June BSN information session


  • Creating brand marketing report

Work Coming Soon 

Colorado Springs:

  • Review of Admissions Connect data collection

Work Paused 


  • Adding data to Salesforce for the virtual open house has been paused pending security access required for the integration.