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Online Governance Digest | June 7, 2023

General Administrative Updates

  • Requirements Gathering Completed: We've completed requirements gathering with each campus and have presented a summary of our findings and recommendations to each stakeholder group. We're currently condensing the information and desired deadlines provided into a project plan that will outline key milestones and deliverables from both UIS and campus teams.
  • Marketing & SEO Funding Allocations: Jen Mortensen distributed updated allocation percentages to the online leads on June 2. If you have any updates to the information provided, please let us know. Once final percentages have been confirmed, we will share the updated financial allocations. 
  • Budget Forecast: Jen Mortensen is continuing to work on the budget forecast through FY27. This process has been slightly delayed due to increases in vendor costs and the additional planning and reallocation that requires. We hope to have information ready for review soon.

Completed Work

Colorado Springs:

  • Incident review with Salesforce and Mogli utilization
  • Request to refresh ads for the BSB program


  • Completed move of Denver online branded programs into Pardot and Salesforce

Work In Progress


  • Updating Talend integration
  • Investigating drop in College of Nursing leads
  • Revamping and realigning Calendly


  • Investigating Boulder Slate integrations 

Colorado Springs:

  • Investigating discrepancies between Salesforce and Collegis reports in collaboration with the integrations team
  • Creating custom Salesforce dashboard
  • Updating filter for application/enrollment data from SIS - ODIN; criteria will be tested in the Salesforce sandbox before being pushed to production
  • Preparing for June BSN information session
  • Working on general line

Work Coming Soon 

Colorado Springs:

  • Review of Admissions Connect data collection

Work Paused 


  • Adding data to Salesforce for the virtual open house has been paused pending security access required for the integration.