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Online Governance Digest | May 15, 2023

General Administrative Updates

  • Key Upcoming Dates: We're continuing to prioritize work related to the new direction for online marketing and web according to the schedule below: 
    • May 9 - 17: Requirements gathering (in progress)
    • May 18: Project transition site launches
    • May 31: Recommendation for marketing funding allocation (complete)
    • May 31: Budget forecast through FY27 and beyond
    • June 16: Draft transition timeline complete
  • Requirements Gathering: Requirements gathering will be complete by May 17.
    • Marketing Schedule
      • Anschutz: May 9 (complete)
      • Colorado Springs: May 15 (complete)
      • Denver: May 17
    • Website Schedule
      • Anschutz: May 10 (complete)
      • Denver: May 15 (complete)
      • Colorado Springs: May 15 (complete)
    • Recommendations Schedule
      • Anschutz: May 31
      • Denver: June 1
      • Colorado Springs: June 1

Completed Work


  • Request for employee access to Salesforce
  • Analytics and tracking of College of Nursing historical leads


  • Assistance to build a Pardot report to send to Swish

Colorado Springs:

  • Free Application Month for transfer students

Work In Progress


  • Continuing to work on page creative details for the hybrid physical therapy program. SIS code confirmed. Awaiting final graphics review, video, and logo.
  • Investigating Slate import spike and Collegis data
  • Updating Talend integration 


  • Investigating Boulder Slate integrations
  • Continuing work on adding virtual open house to Salesforce 

Colorado Springs:

  • Investigating discrepancies between Salesforce and Collegis reports in collaboration with the integrations team


  • Working to bring Denver online branded programs into Pardot and Salesforce

Ready for Campus Review

Colorado Springs:

  • BSN program information session in June; awaiting additional requirements

Work Coming Soon


  • Calendly revamp and alignment
  • Investigate drop in College of Nursing leads 

Colorado Springs:

  • Updates to Admissions Connect integration
  • Request to refresh ads for the BSB program
  • Request for Salesforce dashboard