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Online Governance Digest | May 22, 2023

General Administrative Updates

  • Minutes from May Governance Meeting: Minutes from the May governance meeting will be distributed by close of business today. 
  • Requirements Gathering & Next Steps: You can view the latest updates on requirements gathering and the schedule for next steps on the campus-specific tabs of the newly-launched project page.

Completed Work


  • Launched Hybrid Physical Therapy

Colorado Springs:

  • Completed brand marketing report
  • Request to refresh ads for the BSB program


  • Completed brand marketing report

Work In Progress


  • Investigating Boulder Slate integrations
  • Continuing work on adding virtual open house to Salesforce 

Colorado Springs:

  • Investigating discrepancies between Salesforce and Collegis reports in collaboration with the integrations team
  • Preparing for June BSN information session.


  • Working to bring Denver online branded programs into Pardot and Salesforce

Work Coming Soon


  • Calendly revamp and alignment
  • Investigate Collegis Slate import spike
  • Investigate drop in College of Nursing leads
  • Talend integration updates 

Colorado Springs:

  • Updates to Admissions Connect integration
  • Request for Salesforce dashboard 

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