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Online Governance Digest | May 8, 2023

General Administrative Updates

  • General Request Turnaround Times and Work Prioritization: We've recently formalized a new work intake management process so that we can better serve you. You can learn more in our Work Prioritization wiki.
    • Please note that you should continue to use the help ticket submission process for new requests. 
  • Key Upcoming Dates: We're continuing to prioritize work related to the new direction for online marketing and web. Creation of a project transition site is underway and will be complete this week. In the interim time, we are working according to the schedule below: 
    • May 12: Project transition site launches
    • May 9 - 17: Requirements gathering
    • May 31: Recommendation for marketing funding allocation
    • May 31: Budget forecast through FY27 and beyond
    • June 16: Draft transition timeline complete
  • Requirements Gathering: Requirements gathering will be complete by May 17. Thanks to all for providing the names of your campus participants. Agendas for the requirements gathering sessions will be added to the calendar invitations by close of business on May 8. Following the completion of the requirements gathering, we will present initial recommendations to each campus during the week of May 29.
    • Marketing Schedule
      • Anschutz: May 9
      • Colorado Springs: May 15
      • Denver: May 17
    • Website Schedule
      • Anschutz: May 10
      • Denver: May 15
      • Colorado Springs: May 15
    • Recommendations Schedule
      • Anschutz: May 31
      • Denver: June 1
      • Colorado Springs: June 1

Completed Work


  • Created new Salesforce reports and dashboards
  • Created program page for Personalized and Genomic Medicine (PMED) Graduate Certificate

Colorado Springs:

  • Implemented Admissions Connect integration between Admissions Connect and Salesforce
  • Modified program page for MBA with Cybersecurity Emphasis and for MBA with Sports Management Emphasis

Work in Progress


  • Page creative details for the hybrid PT program are in progress. Discussion to go live with or without the SIS code is occurring.
  • Requirements gathering is underway with the College of Nursing, in addition to ongoing meetings and discussions to prepare for project kick-off.


  • Investigating Boulder Slate integrations
  • Building a Pardot report to send to SWISH
  • Adding Virtual Open House tracking to Salesforce

Colorado Springs:

  • Investigating discrepancies between Salesforce and Collegis reports


  • Working to bring Denver online branded programs into Pardot and Salesforce

Ready for Campus Review

Colorado Springs:

  • Free application month for transfer students
  • BSN program information session in June

Work Coming Soon


  • Request for employee access to Salesforce
  • Calendly revamp and alignment

Colorado Springs:

  • Updates to Admissions Connect integration
  • Request to refresh ads for the BSB program
  • Request for Salesforce dashboard 

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