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Understanding SEO

The UIS CRM team provides monthly SEO reports to our campus partners. Before drawing conclusions from the data, however, it's important to understand the key concepts below.


It's important to understand that SEO is best interpreted as a "long view" in which data is analyzed on an ongoing basis over a period of time. Various factors can influence SEO. If you have any questions or would like to understand specific data more thoroughly, please let us know.
  • Average Session Duration: Formerly known as Time on Site, this measures the average amount of time that visitors spend on a website.
  • Backlinks: This measures the number of links pointing to a website from external sources. From a performance measurement standpoint, backlinks for is an indirect performance metric because backlinks are based on links to the root domain (, and a subdomain simply inherits the root domain’s backlink profile. The same is true for Domain Authority, a common web performance metric – does not have its own domain authority as it inherits’s domain authority.
  • Bounce rate: This measures the percentage of visitors who leave a website after only viewing one page. his metric is now known as engagement rate, and is essentially the inverse of the bounce rate. Instead of Google Analytics measuring bounces, they are now measuring engagements. Per Google’s documentation, “An engaged session is a session that lasts ten seconds or longer, has one or more conversion events, or has two or more page or screen views.”
  • Brand Search Volume: This measures the total number of searches for a brand name across all search engines. See page two of monthly report.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR) : This measures the percentage of visitors who click on a website's search engine listing. See page two of monthly report.
  • Engagement Rate: This is essentially the inverse of the bounce rate. Instead of Google Analytics measuring bounces, they are now measuring engagements. Per Google’s documentation, “An engaged session is a session that lasts ten seconds or longer, has one or more conversion events, or has two or more page or screen views.”
  • Keyword Rankings: This measures where a website ranks for specific keywords in search engine results. See page two of monthly report.
  • Organic Conversion Rate: This measures the percentage of organic visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. See page two of report.
  • Organic Traffic: This measures the number of visitors coming to a website from search engine results. See “Traffic by Channel” on page one of monthly report.
  • Pages Per Session: This measures the average number of pages that visitors view on a website during a single session. This metric is now known as views per user.
  • Time on Site: This measures the average amount of time that visitors spend on a website. This metric is now known as average session duration.
  • Views Per User: This measures the average number of pages that visitors view on a website during a single session. Formerly known as pages per session.