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Online Governance Digest

Work Request Status Board

We know you've requested greater visibility into the work we're completing for you and your teams, and we're taking steps to make current data available to you in a more digestible format. The goal of improved visibility is twofold: we want you to understand what's happening with the work you requested while also allowing us to work together with you to prioritize items for each sprint.

We're drafted an IOS Work Request Status Board that summarizes work for all campuses so that you can understand where we are with items you've requested while also viewing work other campuses have in progress to assess if there are opportunities to align.

A few things to keep in mind when viewing this data:

  • You should receive a guest invitation to that will allow you to access the board. Reach out to Jen Mortensen if you cannot access the board or if you have any questions.
  • The dates listed are based on our initial assessment of work in the queue, and some of the dates listed may change. We're working as a team this week to ensure that the deadlines and information listed are accurate.
  • We'll update the board every Friday as work continues to be completed so you'll have better access to current data.

Estimated Turnaround Times

The team is continuing to work together to refine our estimated turnaround times for various types of requests. Our estimates to date are summarized in the wiki "Standard Turnaround Times."

A few key items to note as you review this data are as follows:

  • There are many variables that determine the exact length of time required for work, including the information that you provide to the team upfront, as well as any stakeholder review processes that need to occur. We'll do our best to estimate with you when we receive your requests, but use the documented turnaround times as a guide in the interim.
  • We'll be working to add links to the documentation and resources you'll need to provide that can help to expedite the process. We will update you when those resources are available.
  • We'll also be working to modify the existing help ticket to include more prompts for information that will help us to better understand the nature or the request. We will update you when the revised ticket is available.

Roadmap for Remainder of 2023

We're continuing to scope the website work the campuses have requested for the remainder of 2023 and are scheduling additional conversations with our campus counterparts to gather detailed information. Following those conversations, we will begin to schedule the work and update the work request status board accordingly.

IOS Budget Working Group

The members of our IOS budget working group will include the following:

  • Tobin Bliss, CU Anschutz
  • Nathan Bullock, UCCS
  • Charlie Kuehler, UCCS
  • Katie Linder, CU Denver
  • Jennifer St. Peter, CU Denver
  • Pending, CU Boulder

We'll be working to schedule regular meetings with this group and will provide updates on our progress at monthly governance meetings.