Use HCM payroll queries to confirm payroll and Payroll Expense Transfer details within HCM.
Find relevant Employees Services and Controller’s resources for HR/GL transactions in one accessible spot.
The HCM payroll encumbrance calculation process is an important way to track projected payroll obligations in the general ledger.
Learn more about the earnings code used for hourly student employees’ late pay.
Employees can access verification of employment services using CCC Verify.
Employees now have the option to designate their tax withholding for the state of Colorado independent of their IRS Form W-4 withholding.
When preparing positions for new employees or transfers, consider these tips for smooth setup and successful fall payroll.
Here are a few tips to ensure that an employee’s final pay or late pay after termination processes correctly.
Avoid confusing paycheck calculations by following these best practices for mid-month contract changes.
