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Use HCM to run course completion reports

Consider HCM your go-to source to confirm whether required training has been completed or not.

There are several instances where needing to know who completed training and when they completed it is important to university business processes. For example, some training is required to demonstrate legal compliance, while other training is required by university policy prior to granting access to mission-critical systems.

Whatever the reason, HCM is the system of record for employee training, and it can be audited to ensure employees are completing their required training.

The Comprehensive Learning Report provides training completion information on all university employees, faculty, university affiliates, persons of interest (POIs) and student employees. It also provides non-completion data, or incompletes, indicating that people accessed training but did not finish it.

You can run the Comprehensive Learning Report for a specific employee, for a department, or for one or more courses.

To get started, refer to Running the Comprehensive Learning Report Step-by-Step Guide.

If you have any questions, email


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