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CU Online Digest | March 24, 2023

General Administrative Updates

  • Meeting Minutes from March 17: The meeting minutes and slide deck from the March 17 governance meeting are now available.
  • Help Ticket and Work Intake Process: The team launched a new help ticket and work intake process with a focus on routing and responding to requests more efficiently and creating cross-team visibility.
    • Action: If you have a request for work (including website edits, new programs, marketing, etc.), please submit it via the help ticket rather than by reaching out to individual team members.
  • CRM Team Site: The team launched a new CRM team site that will include information about team members and services provided. 

Next Steps: Marketing and Website Evaluation

  • Update: The team has been working to gather and consolidate additional information related to future-state recommendations.
    • CRM Team Offerings: You can view a summary of available offerings in our UIS CRM Team Offerings spreadsheet. Please note that we're continuing to refine this list and will schedule a meeting with each campus to review and discuss options in the near future.
    • Questions/Considerations: The second tab of the above spreadsheet will contain additional questions we'll need to address or consider as part of the decision making process. This is also a work in progress; we will let you know when all considerations have been gathered and documented.

IOS Salesforce and Pardot

  • Integration Updates: The integration team is actively working the integration issues that the campuses are continuing to report. Our goal is to have the fix deployed by the end of next week.
    • Note: The Admissions Connect integration requested at UCCS is a separate integration issue. You can view additional information in the campus-specific updates below.
  • Collegis Discrepancies: Collegis discrepancies have been reconciled. The team is also waiting on a data refresh from the Collegis side and the addition of a new IOS field that will show first contacted date.
  • Reporting and Dashboards: The team is continuing to make improvements to dashboard resources including the ability to filter by school/college and academic program. Please let us know if you have questions or would like to request additional functionality. 
  • New Help Resources:

CU Online Brand Marketing

  • Brand Ambassadors: Nearly 20 students have been confirmed as CU Online brand ambassadors. The program will launch in April.
  • Graphic Designer: We're conducting interviews with graphic designer candidates and hope to have the position filled soon.
  • YouTube Brand Marketing Launch: The team has paused advertising on Spotify and will be shifting efforts and budget to YouTube.

Campus-Specific Requests

  • Anschutz
    • Reports and Dashboards: We are continuing to work on the reports and dashboards referenced above based on your initial feedback. In the interim time, please use the pipeline and marketing dashboards referenced above.
    • Hybrid Physical Therapy Request: The team is drafting the program page for campus review next week. We are waiting on the SIS code for the program in order to setup in Salesforce. 
    • Personalized and Genomic Medicine (PMED) Graduate Certificate: The team is drafting the program page for campus review next week. SIS code has been received.
  • Boulder
    • Calendly Signature: The team is working to document the process for modifying a signature in Calendly in the wiki for future reference.
    • Program Page Modifications: The team is working on the program page modifications and expects to have work completed by Tuesday, March 28.
  • Colorado Springs
    • Admissions Connect Integration: The team will begin requirements gathering during the week of March 27. We expect this net new integration to be a fairly quick process but will provide updates as we progress to ensure we are on the correct path.
    • A06 Indicator: UIS and UCCS teams are working together to incorporate the BOL sub-plan in Admissions Connect, including how to map a second sub-plan into CUSIS when applications load to Campus Solutions.
    • Program Modification Requests:
      • MBA with Cybersecurity Emphasis: The review of this program page and net new landing page has been added to the queue. 
      • MBA with Sport Management Emphasis: The review of this program page and net new landing page has been added to the queue. 
    • New Program Requests:
      • Doctorate of Nursing Practice: The discovery document has been received and the new program page has been added to the queue. SIS code has been received.
      • Master of Arts in Communication: The discovery document has been received and the new program page has been added to the queue. Campus partners are confirming the SIS code.
  • Denver
    • Lead Flow: We're looking forward to continuing to work with you to assess lead flow as your campus conversations progress.

Vendor Relationship Management