Cathy Bradley, dean of the Colorado School of Public Health at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, demonstrates leadership through connection.
Employees can now access employment and salary verification using Experian Verify. Those with a CCC Verify account will need to create a new account with Experian Verify.
Contact an Employee Services benefits professional three months before your planned retirement date to schedule your retirement meeting and review retiree health benefits, the enrollment process, complete required document and discuss other topics.
International employees and students, who are nonresident taxpayers in the U.S., can access Sprintax Returns tax preparation software to file their federal tax returns for free.
You’ve cultivated your savings, worked throughout your career and grew your seed money. Now it’s time to thrive after retiring from CU by leveraging the information you will learn from our 2025 Retirement Ready sessions.
In its first year, CU’s privately administered Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) plan provided paid leave for 2,900 CU employees. Read more about the program’s impact, increased benefits and how to apply for and use this benefit.