Plan fees for your university of Colorado retirement plans have been reduced as of Jan. 1, 2025.
Employees aged 60 – 63 now have an additional special catch-up contribution option to increase retirement savings in their voluntary accounts.
The new year is a good time to review your benefits and invest in yourself. Use this checklist to brush up, refresh your benefits, and take advantage of services and programs available to you.
A large uptick in unauthorized messages claiming to be CU-affiliated financial services have been reported. These individuals and organizations are not associated with CU. Learn more about these solicitations and how to keep your financial information safe.
Benefits-eligible employees are enrolled automatically in a mandatory retirement plan, but CU also offers three voluntary savings plans. These plans allow employees the opportunity to save additional money with low fees and both traditional and Roth taxation options.
Faculty and staff enrolled in a University of Colorado retirement plan may now invest in two new funds, which consider environmental, social and governance issues. Are these funds right for you? Schedule a no-cost consultation to explore the best options for you.
CU’s TIAA-administered retirement plans will offer optional investment funds that reduce or exclude fossil-fuel sources.
Your retirement can flourish with a little bit of tending and expert know-how from our 2023 Retirement Ready webinar and online course series.
Employees can enroll their TIAA-administered account in Portfolio Manager and know professionals are managing your account.
New CU retirement plan fee structure for faculty and staff debuts Oct. 1
