It’s time to shift into high gear this Open Enrollment by making your selections for the 2024-25 plan year, beginning July 1.
Learn what tuition assistance has to offer, see what faculty and staff have to say, and apply for the fall 2023 semester.
The CU Advantage brings together CU perks and benefits in one convenient website. One immediate perk: Try it out, tell us how you used a perk and you could win $50 in your next paycheck.
The Benefits & Wellness section has added a range of additional tiles to help employees make the most of their health plans.
Employees enrolled in CU’s health plans can expect changes including rate increases, expanded mental health services, fertility treatment and more.
PERA-eligible CU employees will see an increase in employee and employer contributions this July.
All medical plans offered by CU will increase their mental health coverage in the new plan year.
CU employees or their dependents can take advantage of tuition assistance on any of CU’s four campuses.
Sleepio is available for free to faculty and staff enrolled in a CU Health Plan. Try Sleepio through Nov. 30 for a free $25 gift card of your choosing.
Don’t leave your estate planning up in the air, designate a life insurance beneficiary within the employee portal.
